
Welcome to the RPG. If your don't know what an RPG is, I'll explain. If you do know what one is, bear with me! Anyway, an RPG is when you take on a role of a Cat (i.e. Jemima), and you basicaly 'play' that character. You can say whether they jump to the heavyside and back, or drop down dead. But you ARE NOT allowed to controll someone elses character. If I was playing jemima, you wouldn't be able to say 'Jemima bounded over'. However, If you were playing Etcetera, you could say, 'Cettie bounded over'. I hope you understood that, as i wasn't really sure how to explain it. You will be allowed 2 characters from the musical and 2 made up characters. If you don't post for 2 weeks you, and you haven't told me a reason (i.g, You're going on holiday), will recieve a warning if you still haven't posted for another week, your character will be available again, so tell me when you're going away!

Please check the available characters and then send an email with:

Your name:
Your Email:
Who you want to play:
Musical or made up?
If made up, a full description and a little bit of background information on the character (i.e markings, age, male or female, family...):

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Available characters
Taken Characters
Made up Characters