Who's the Cat?

Ah. *sigh*. An idea that I can't credit myself for.... No, this idea of 'Who's the Cat' came from The Jellicle Looney Bin. I did however change the name, and use different cats..... Any way,

Each week/month, depends how the contest is doing, I'll put up pictures of the cats, BUT they will be hidden, covered up! Guess which one they are fron the shape and size. When you think you've got it, sen the form below to me, and If you're right, I'll send you this award:

Each month (I've decided that this will be updated monthly) I'll try to make it harder and harder. BUT you can only recieve ONE award. If you guess 3 different times, and all of them are right, I'll only send you one award, as the award won't change weekly. I've just had a great idea. If you guess rightly 5 times is a row, you'll recieve this award:

Sooooooooooo. Here are the cats:

Cat #1: From Bustopher Jones

Cat #2: From The Addressing of Cats

Cat #3: From Mister Mistofelees

Think you know them? Then fill out the from and click SEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Name:

Your email address: (e.g.: you@aol.com)

Site Name:

Site Url:

Cat 1:

Cat 2:

Cat 3:

Who's Guessed Correctly?

Scratching Post

Robin Girl
Magical: A Shrine to Mr. Mistoffelees

The Golden Paw

Teazer pouncy
teazer & pouncys lille nook of the junkyard

Charlott*e's Den

Past Answers