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this shows i have friends

if you are here at this site, i will love you until my dying day!
to the downstairs hallway group, stay cool. sit against the wall
to the gym "asian" girls: stay cool, try hard in gym
to melissa in macro and bc, stay cool, give me answers
to the others in macro and bc, stay cool, i accept help from anyone
to my physics group: gotta love making up lab data
lunch table, wow, you guys are my physics group
in english i have no friends
same in stats, all seniors. hey seniors, when you go to college, word of advice, don't just forget all your younger friends and piss them off. nice eating goldfish with you. and most of the funniest ppl i know are from that class.. haha chafin.
to my spanish girls: amalia, i expect regular updates, and HALLOO!
to the india club: stay cool, serve the school. man, that was gay.
to crier kids: congrats you're in the inner circle and i dont know how nhil did it or why he would want to infiltrate it
nhs kids, screw you
to student councilers vote for anyone but becca vercillo, better yet vote for brode
wyse team, we're going to state and wow, fun two days'll wanna kill by the time it's through
scholastic bowl: was i rookie of the year? and wow, we suck when brendan leaves
to math team: was i actually on that? i dont know
church kids, just because you're last does not mean you're least. actually it does. i'm kidding.
to all you kids who moved, or just left, or i just lost contact or friendship with, i bet you i still think about you but you don't care but yeah.