200. My name is - joan lee
199. I was born on - december 28, 1984
198. I am - a dull poindexter
197. My hair color is - mud
196. My eye color is - mud
195. My shoe size is- 5 to 6
194. My ring size is - 5 to 6
193. My bra size is - 5 to 6
192. My theme song is - Robbie Williams - Have you met Miss Joan?
191. I am allergic to - burets
190. I live in - not for long.. ponder on what that means
189. The last three books i read are - the heart of darkness by joseph conrad, far from the madding crowd by thomas hardy, how to kill your enemies.. successfully by rafe hatchet
188. My bed is - still disneyclad, like my heart
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is- they do legitimately despise me
186. I am glad that I am (male/female) - female so i can cook and clean and wait around aimlessly for a gentleman caller
185. A (man/woman) that I have a crush on is - undisclosed
184. My best female friends are - desperate for some action in their lives
183. [i added this in] - attached to others
182. My best male friends are - isaac and he is a mabaho smelly indiana resident, dan s because he listens, ray because he loves comics, justin because he makes me feel better
181. Three things I can never resist are - visiting my grandma, the quiver of a lip, children or those who act like them
180. Three of my quirkiest habits are - nonsense to others, perfect sense to me; saying things so others wont understand what i am getting at, being cruel on the inside
179. My favorite pajamas are - penn sweats
178. [i added this in] - 179
177. The last three cds I bought are - useless because my cd player doesnt work
176. The sexiest song I know is - robbie williams - have you met miss joan?
175. The song I feel captures a good life lesson is - saves the day - freakish
174. The songs I love to lip synch in the car to are - drive my mother crazy
173. I could not live without - friends, thats funny
172. My most treasured possession is - clarity
171. My three top pet peeves are - all have to do with insensitivity
170. A question I am sick of answering is - hows the love life?
169. The funniest quote I know is - doesnt apply at this time
168. The quote that "sums it all up for me" is - i just got rocked
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn) - tan like the oven roasted turkey of my heart
166. I have been this far (sexually) - im too ugly to like sex
165. One interesting fact that I know is - the hapsburgs are ugly like me
164. Been High Before - no
163. Smoked - no
162. Broke the Law - i used to gank. i once watched someone knock down a park district sign and helped him drag it somewhere
161. Played Strip Poker - no
160. Cheated on a Significant Other - never
159. Cheated on a Test - today, well quiz
158. [i added this in] Confess! - i hate you
157. Skinny Dipped - no
156. Friday - downtown, sleepover (2 stars/4)
155. Saturday - mall, amy's (0 stars/4)
154. Sunday - bennigans, home (.5 stars/4)
153. Monday - class, feel like crap, guys were being gross, somebody doesnt talk to me anymore (0 stars/4)
152. Tuesday - school
151. Wednesday - rupa's (1 star/4)
150. Thursday - thanksgiving day (4 stars/4)
(149-143) Next ______, I'm going to...
149. Friday - hang out with people who make me feel good like jlu
148. Saturday - children's holiday party, not go skating with people who make me feel bad
147. Sunday - church, maybe do a play
146. Monday - class
145. Tuesday - class
144. Wednesday - class
143. Thursday - class
(142-133) I Do/Do Not Believe in..
142. Love at first sight - yes
141. Luck - no
140. Fate - no
139. God - ?
138. Aliens - little ones in my pocket
137. Heaven - no
136. Hell - yes, this is hell on earth
135. Ghosts - no but the ring girl scares the crap out of me every night when she stands at the windowsill
134. Horoscopes - no
133. [i added this one] - i am dull
(132-117) Which is Better?
132. Coke or Pepsi - coke
131. Thin Crust or Deep Dish - thin
130. People or In Style - people
129. Hardcover or Paperback - velvet
128. Math or English - english
127. TV or Radio - tv, gilmore girls
126. Tall or Short - tall, think of the children
125. Blondes or Brunettes - preferable male
124. Pools or Hot Tubs - pool
123. Getting the Back Massage or Giving it - giving
122. E-Mail or Snail Mail - snail mail
121. Homecoming or Prom - prom
120. High School or College - college
119. Oranges or Apples - oranges. citricky
118. Curly or Straight Hair - straight
117. Boys or Girls - boys
(116-106) Here's What I Think About
116. Abortion - pro somethin
115. Dubya (i changed this question) - endangers all species
114. Pre-Marital Sex - avoidable
113. Religion - some need it
112. Hanson - for shame
111. Homosexuality - eh??
110. Classical Music - nice to play
109. Sadaam Hussein - mentally insane, a clear-and-present danger
108. Swear Words - fuck shit damn bitch bastard
107. Love - forsakes me
106. Divorce - livable
(105-93) The Last Time I ______ Was...
105. Took a Shower - today
104. Watched Bambi - three years ago
103. Cried - today
102. Got a Real Letter - beth tau's
101. [i added this one in] - novgorod-kabakh
100. Drove - today
99. Went Swimming - with dan s
98. Spoke a Foreign Language - today
97. Went to A Wedding - young ae unni's was yesterday
96. Wore a fancy dress (girls) or tux (boys) - homecoming 02
95. Grew - junior high
94. Rode a Horse - in fifth grade camp wonderland
93. Exercised - will soon
92. On a school day - no
91. I always ask - for care.. under my breath
90. The ditziest person I know is - me
89. The person who makes me laugh the most is - chris
88. The book the old west - i love it bad
87. One thing I am pissed about right now is - friends
86. Today I ate for breakfast - vegetables
85. For lunch - popcorn chicken
84. For dinner - not planning on it
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was - john q
82. The things I notice first about the opposite sex are - sensitivity and maturity
81. One question that I want answered is - boulangerie?
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is - 46
79. My favorite game is/are - not what the boys play
78. This Christmas break I am - saving money
77. This Spring break I am - hermitting
76. This Summer vacation I am - working and not hanging out
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is - my grandma
74. The biggest misconception about me is - incapability to care about the little things
(73-70) The thing that I'm looking forward to the most ____ is...
73. This summer - bored
72. This Spring - knowing where to go
71. This winter - turning 18
70. Next Fall - leaving friends behind
69. People make a big deal out of this number because - horny as hell
68. I want to go to college - far
67. People call me - "shut up"
66. People call me - lee
65. People call me - smelly
64. People call me - joan
63. People call me - ugly
62. The person who knows the most about me is - me
61. The person who can read me the best is - nobody
60. The most difficult thing I've ever done is - confrontation
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket - not
58. I have the following siblings (names and ages) - joey is fourteen
57. My favorite people are - hating me right now
56. My zodiac sign is - capricorn
55. The person I most thought I was in love with was/is: boy
54. The first person (as in sig. other) who ever said they loved me was - nobody
53. The best date I ever went on was - nobody
52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is - nobody
51. I wish I could have - ability to express emotions
50. [i added this one in] - awkward silences
49. The lie I tell the most often is - i'm 5'3''
48. I have a job at - harper
47. I have these pets (names) - norfolk terrier
46. The worst illness I've ever had is - emotional
45. The worst sound in the world is - the sound of people ignoring me?
44. The worst taste in the world is - defeat
43. If I could add a survey question to this e-mail, it would be? - i'll probably never marry?
42. What gets on your nerves about your friends - they leave me out physically or while im there, they make fun of me, they ignore when there is something wrong
41. Person You Have Lost Respect For? some of friends
40. My hands are usually (temperature) - cold
39. My role models are - dead
38. My favorite shoes are - obscene
37. The last time I got my picture taken (professionally) was - senior pictures
36. The last time I got money from a parent was - saturday
35. My favorite country besides the US is - guatemala
34. My favorite state (other then my own) is - hawaii
33. My favorite city (other then my own) is - philadelphia
32. My favorite body of water is - meineke pond
31. If I could be a superhero, I'd be - modest mouse
30. If I could raid a celebrity's wardrobe, I'd choose - kate hudson
29. My favorite three movies are - stupid
28. The school I go to is - full of stupid people
27. I am in - eurography
26. The best age to be is - 18
25. This many people are on my buddy list - 200
24. The best thing about today so far has been - throwing chris around
23. The worst thing about today so far has been - the way i've been treated
22. My favorite stores are - american eagle, banana republic, marshall fields, nordstrom, abercrombie
21. I usually get teased about - stupidity
20. A secret I know about someone is (don't put there name!) - that monica and ajay are going out
19. My favorite pants are - soft
18. I wear skirts - when cold
17. The TV Show I never miss is - gilmore girls
16. I am a morning person/night owl- night
15. If I had to get married tomorrow, and could pick my wife or husband, - brandon peterson
14. An idea that makes sense to me is - entropy. -----:~~~~~:!@%&#
13. If I had to join the military, I'd be in - delta force, im such an elitist
12. I plan/don't plan on registring for the draft - im flat.. footed
11. My worst habit is - not telling people things directly
10. My favorite restaurant is - cosi's
9. My favorite sport to play is - football
8. My favorite sport to watch is - soccer
7. If your nose itches it means - im burning your effigy
6. My favorite cliche is - shut up ho
5. The worst place to get an itch is - any exposed place
4. My favorite nickname for male genetalia is - pomeranian
3. And for female genetalia - tally-ho
2. One cool thing about me is - my elbow
1. I filled out 200 questions because - i should take my test today