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Adam Rothschild as Isaachaar

Click the little pictures to get the big ones

Also featured: Shawna, Rose, Ben, Ernie, David, Sam, Stephen, Don, and Art

From first series of pictures
Please forgive the poor scan job



Adam played not only the part of Isaachaar, but was also an Egyptian and the Baker. The baker had to be one of the hardest parts in this musical as this player dies right before intermission. Though he had other solo lines at other parts of the show, the Butler/Baker scene had to be his climax. I knew Adam as 'The Baker' before I knew him as Adam--:) . He has the strong support of his mom who always gave me a warm smile when I saw her.

I will remember Adam as the Baker as well. He was given a lot of direction in notes for his part as Baker. That was were the broken arm joke originated. Thanks Adam for playing along with us.         

last updated September 10, 2002