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Alicia McConnell as a Wife

Click the little pictures to get the big ones

Also featured: ---- Julie , Andrea , Megan , Nancy , Rose , Stephen , David , Shawna , Lennaya , Veronica , Vanessa , Katie , and Shelby.

From first series of pictures
Please forgive the poor scan job


One of the prettiest girls in the cast, Alicia played a wife, an Egyptian, and was the Corn Ballet dancer. She was a quiet cast member. Though I did not talk with her much, I recall it seemed to take her a long time to get ready from makeup to opening places. I remember she would still be working on her hair during vocal warmups. Maybe that is because she had so much of it---Long, awesome, beautiful hair that is!

But my fondest memory of Alicia will definitely be from the Corn Ballet itself. As she would dance around while Joseph would sing about his dreams (Alicia was playing the part of Joseph's "Dreams"), Gary and I (the angry brothers) would gesture to Alicia as we sang 'seems to us that Joseph and "his dreams" should disappear'. Alicia would simply smile and wave at me and Gary. [I've had dreams like that before] :)


last updated July 26, 2002