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Andrea Nicol as a Wife
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Also featured: ---- Don , Julie , Vanessa , Nancy , Art , Ben , Amy , Sam , Rose , Shawna , Lennaya , Alicia , and Shelby.



Andrea played not only a wife, but also an Egyptian, a belly-dancer, and a Calypso girl. With her mom playing the part of one of the narrators, Andrea is thus featured on the All in the Family page. My fondest memory of Andrea from the show, was that 2 seconds where as a bellydancer for the ishmaelites, she had me hypnotized. I guess you could say, she gave me the finger as she would touch my bugged-eyed character under the chin and raise to tilt my head back. Woooooee!! It still sounds sort of provacative!

Andrea was also nice enough to fill out my short questionaire about herself. Her answers are in the chart below. You can e-mail her through the link above (on the right). Thanks Andrea for a wonderful experience. It was so great working with you. I hope to see you on Broadway someday!         

Some of Andrea's favorites:
MovieLegally Blonde
SongALL of the Broadway songs!
GroupThe Corrs
Ice Cream FlavorJamoca Fudge
Vacation PlaceBahamas ( She went there on a cruise and LOVED it!)
HobbiesSwim team, the Woodlea Manor Watermocs
Likesto sing, swim, and shop
DislikesGetting sweaty or working
Song from JosephPharoe's Song
When she grows up She would love to be on Broadway!
What she will remember most of this show [She didn't answer this one]


last updated April 3, 2005