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Art Howey as Benjamin

Click the little pictures to get the big ones

Also featured: ---- Julie , Adam , Vanessa ,Lauren , Paige , Millie , Ben , Andrea , and Courtney and Ernie

From first series of pictures--Please forgive the poor scan job



The youngest brother. Art played not only this important role, but was also an Egyptian. His climatic moment came appropriately near the end of the show. Stilting away from the pursuing Joseph while the brothers ran interferance for him. Art worked those stilts like a circus performer. All this during the fun song 'Benjamin Calypso'. Art was so cool about his big part too. While he may not have been the most quiet of performers, he was not shouting all the time to make his voice heard over all the others either. My statement to Art comes right from the lips of Hulk Hogan: "STAY IN ACTING LITTLE BROTHER---IT SUITES YOU!"


last updated August 19, 2002