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Dave Parker - Piano Player

Also featured: Amy , Heather , Amy , and Lennaya

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This guy is great. I had not sung with a piano in a decade. Dave just took my sheet music and asked me, how quickly should he play it. I looked at him like he was crazy and was thinking--'don't you know?--doesn't the music tell you how fast to play?'. I had instant respect for this guy. He can play any tune, at fast or slow speed, and even take it up a note with what appears to be no effort. What I would give to have that gift? I hope someday, I get around to learning how to do this.

Dave is also talented at vocally warming up a group. I recall he would play music for us during physical warm ups too. Thanks to Dave, I knew early on that our show was going to be spectacular. At times, I thought performing in front of an orchestra who we had not rehersed with would hurt the show. We were lucky though to have a great orchestra--and Dave played the piano within. Thanks bud, for your part in making the show so great.

last updated July 25, 2002