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Diane El-Shafey - Musical Director

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Also featured: ---- Nancy , Kristin , and Lennaya.

From first series of pictures
Please forgive the poor scan job


Diane was the first friendly face I saw in the parking lot before auditions. I was so nervous. I sheepishly asked her to walk in with me. Little did I know that Diane was about to judge me on my singing. Thanks Diane for helping me overcome my cold feet.

I thought after my short audition was over, 'I could have done better than that'. I didn't even know the difference between melody and harmony. I thought to myself later, that I didn't have a chance in hell of a callback. When I was called back, I remember seeing Diane at one of the early rehersals. Before I saw her, I felt like a stranger in a strange land. Other cast members were obvious show people, with dance slippers and limber joints. Diane helped me feel like not so much of an outsider early on in the show's production life.

She is a gifted music teacher and I learned a lot from her. "OH PLEASE --DO NOT KISS ME!" The Growing Stage is most fortunate to have her on the team. Thanks Diane for a great show!

last updated July 24, 2002