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Don Frye as Butler

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Also featured: Nancy , Andrea , Adam , Shelby , David , and Lennaya



"And he reads and writes!" For me, this would have been Don's most memorable phrase from the production had he not been needed for the part of Judah. Luckily, Veronica - the new head of the Ishmaelites- has taken the phrase and has run with it! To our delight, she shared it with the hyptnotizing belly dancers: Julie, Shawna, and Andrea.

Don's acting talents are amazing for someone his age. In 3 years, he lays claim to 40 different parts. He has stepped up and filled in for about every brother's part at one time or another for this production. A true swing--he has also filled in for Jacob, Potiphar, and that animal who pulls the golden chariot.

last updated July 30, 2002