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Lennaya Woodson as a Wife
E-mail Lennaya

From first series of pictures-Please forgive the poor scan job

Click the little pictures to get the big ones

Also featured: --JUST ABOUT EVERYONE-- Matthew , Julie , Stephen , Justin , Bob , Tim , Don , Art , Andrea, Nancy, David, Rose , Shawna, Vanessa, Veronica, Alicia, and Shelby.





The legendary Mrs. Potiphar! Lennaya was incredible to work with. Every show was a fun little conspiracy and she is every bit as Evil as her photos show. Just check out that smile! Batman's Joker could take notes from her. And believe it or not, she was as new to the area of community theatre as I was.

She played the part of not only a wife (Stephen's), but also an Egyptian, and Mrs. Potiphar which gave her not only Mr. Potiphar, but also Joseph, and her own boytoy played by me. I think she held the record in this production as the actress with the most guys! My most memorable action with Lennaya will always be the scene where, as her servent-I would put the necklace around her neck during the Potiphar number. She would always checkle like a giddy-spoiled little rich girl who just got that new piece of jewelry she had been eyeing in the store window for the last 30 days. Lennaya did that 2 seconds so well, I was blown away every time 'Potiphar had made a huge pile' !

She enjoys singing -karaoke, dancing and having a good time. Lennaya loves getting e-mail and you can write her at the address via the top of this page! She was also kind enough to complete my little questionaire for the cast members. Her answers are below!!

Some of Lennaya's favorites:
MovieShawshank Redemption, Little Mermaid, Evita, Independence Day
SongCould never, ever, ever, pick one!!
GroupBest Entertainer in the World, Janet Jackson
Ice Cream FlavorCookies and cream
Vacation PlaceNever been on a vacation except for Fort Lauderdale and Miami
HobbiesKaraoke!!! dj'ing and arts and crafts
LikesOpen-mindedness and laughing
DislikesHateful people and close-mindedness
Song from JosephPharaoh Story and Close Every Door
When she grows upBe a writer, sing in front of a big crowd and be a mother
What she will remember most of this showThe kindness of every one. It was amazing how strangers became a permanent fixture of my life. I love them all and how to see everyone again, if not work with again!

Thanks for all the lifts, laughs, hugs, and for showing me the pleasures of playing the villian!


last updated January 12, 2003