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Makeup. It may not be a big deal to show people who do shows all the time, but for beginners (especially guy beginners) it is a whole new headache. Makeup always took as long (if not longer) than vocal warmups. Foundation, eye liner, blush, lipstick, blending---it's a whole new vocabulary. And thank God for baby wipes.

My thanks to the entire cast for helping me get over that typical guy hangup of "makeup's for girls" phobia, which slowed me down that first night when the makeup went on. Thanks to cast members who supplied me with applicators and baby wipes. A special thanks to Amy Nicol for help with application, and my biggest thanks to Vanessa (the makeup GURU) for without whom, I would have looked terrible on stage. I think I will always have two left feet when it comes to applying makeup. She saved me for every show!





last updated July 21, 2002