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Shawna Griffin as a Wife

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Also featured: --Lots of the cast-- Julie , Tim , Sam , Andrea , Nancy , Rose , Vanessa , Lennaya , Alicia , Megan , and Shelby.



In addition to being a wife, Shawna was also the female apache dancer, an Egyptian, an Ishmaelite belly dancer, and her father played the part of Pharoah which wins her a seat on the All in the Family page. Shawna is very fun to work with. She is almost elastic (can do full splits like the best cheerleaders I have ever come across). Also light as a feather for the awesome Caanan lifts (this at a point in the show were my character was not only acting sad, starving, sick, and weak--but I was also often pretty tired). Shawna always appeared very confident to me, a trait I don't see often enough in people.

Shawna had many memorable moments during this show. I was often in a unique position to view these. It was Ernie and I who lifted Shawna during the 'Where diiiiiiiiid they go' portion of Caanan. It was from the third line back, that I learned the dance moves to the Song of the King (while watching Shawna and Sam do them in front of me--by the way, Thanks guys, I would not have been able to learn these steps without you). Finally, I was in a unique position (right beside them) when Shawna (the belly dancer) would slap Stephen when he would reach out to touch her. I think this is my most memorable scene involving Shawna as I laugh everytime I think of it.

Shawna: I hope my lifts were not too rough on you. You are a pleasure to work with.


last updated September 3, 2002