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Vanessa Vosteen as a Wife

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Also featured: ---- Julie , Andrea, Megan , Nancy , David , Dustin , Rose , Shawna , Lennaya , Veronica , Alicia , and Shelby.



It was when the show was almost ready to go on, that I learned just how talented and incredibly friendly Vanessa is. My sincerest of thanks goes to her for her help with make-up. I was more comfortable sitting in her chair than in my hair cutter's! And she is light as a feather for those awesome Joseph lifts. Dustin may have been lost to the show, but the picture shows--he is a lucky fella.

Vanessa is more than just very fit, talented with the eyeliner, and very foxy. She also has a very keen wit! She plans to go onto law school, and someday soon wants to practice criminal law. She wants to be a prosecutor. She is sure to someday rival L.A.Law's Susan Dey! Heaven help the Yank who breaks the law in her town.

Forgive me for not knowing about this sooner! Vanessa looks like she was also a member of the all-teen girl singing group By Chanz. Many of the cast might have known this, and I do recall seeing at least part of the group's picture at Round Hill (one of our rehersal locations). Vanessa-a pop star!? I can see that!! As of this re-write, I have been told that Vanessa is a former member of the group. Too bad as I know Vanessa can sing, dance, and has a look which would make Christina Aguilera take note.      

last updated September 18, 2002