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A tom and a queen ran stealthily through the dark alleyways of London, carrying a tiny kitten with them. As they turned a corner, a huge, dark shadow loomed over them. Razor-sharp claws slashed the adult's throats and snatched up the kitten. The thing in the shadow ran off, leaving the bloody corpses behind.


"DEUTERONOMY!!!" a young tom shouted, skittering into the Jellicle junkyard with a look of pure terror painted on his face. A gray tom leapt off the tire and rushed over to the tom to comfort him.
"Matteio, what's wrong?" he asked, putting an arm around Matteio's shoulders.
"Ginohu and Kana... they're in the alleyway... but they're dead... and Christiana's... no where to be found..." Matteio choked out before slumping against the tribe's secondary leader in a dead faint. The nurse, Jenapell, scooped him up and carted him off to the hospital with the help of her two young daughters, Jennyanydots and Jellylorum. Deuteronomy sighed and asked a young queen to tell the members of the Coucil to meet at the tire immediately.


"Two more members were found dead today," Deuteronomy announced. "Ginohu and Kana were found in an alley with their throats slit, and their daughter Christiana is missing." The other twelve members of the Jellicle council gasped. Many of the queens cried. "The magician Demeitri is at work disguising our best fighters at this very moment. Three toms will venture into the Leukimus tribe's headquarters and see if they have Christiana held hostage." The council's toms nodded in agreement and the queens looked horrorstruck. "Any questions?" Deuteronomy asked. No one responded. "This meeting of the Jellicle council is now officially closed," he declared.

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