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Thiru Nilakhanda Yaazpanar


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Nilakantar, the great Yazh player of the yore was born in the townThiru Nilakanda Yazhpnar, the great Yazh player of the yore. Thiruerukkaththam puliyur. It is said he brought the sound of animals, chirp of birds, rhythm of rivers and song of trees in his classical string instrument yazh. He was called Yazhpanar (yazh musician).

He devoted his music to that music loving Shiva - Mrityunjaya. He went to many abodes in the Choza kingdom and anointed the Sound of pranavam with his music. He then arrived in the Lord's own kingdom - Madurai.

Tuning the instrument and with the mind tuned to praise the Lord of Thirualavay, he opened the dam of his music at the entrance of the temple that immersed the Lord of that abode. He played the tunes that suit the timings with a proficiency unique in nature. The Lord pleased by the euphonic worship of yazpanar ordered all the devotees of the town in their dream to bring him to the altar. Welcomed by the devotees the master of yazh went to the presence of the Master of all music. Realising the service he should do, the splendid musician played out his ecstatic expression of worshiping the Lord in the blessed instrument. He sang the Lord's holy deeds of dancing, in bliss with the praise of Universal bodies, destruction of three cities, demolition of the ignorance which was immeasurable for Hari and ayan, simplicity that blesses easily one who surrenders - in his sakotayaz.

Enjoying the dedication of the devotee, there arose a voice from the God asking the devotees to place a short bench for him so that the wonderful instrument does not get affected from the chillness of the earth. The devotees placed a bench on which the musician who propitiated the Lord, sat along with his instrument to serve the Lord with his music. Then praising the Lord of meru, he reached thiruvarur. At the entrance he sang the its Grace that is much superior than even the love of mother and that which kicked even the death to bless the surrendered. He got the way through Vilyazh the northern gate into the abode, prostrated to the thirumulattanar and did his service. After performing there for many days, he proceeded through many holy places to reach in chirkazi. Impressed by the marvelous hymns of Sambandhar the child who called parvati - parameshvara to quench the thirst for knowledge, he stayed with that prodigy. He, accompanied by his wife, used to play Champandhar's (Sambandar) words of wisdom in his heart stealing music, with complete dedication. They followed the saint wherever he went for the rest of their life. They along with Sambandhar got the permanent place under the Greatest Musician's feet.

Let Nilakanda yazpanar's service in composing very nice music for the  Lord stay in the minds of one and all

