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Recognize Blackman

By Erwin Jones,

Black man!
Take a Look
Take a Good Look!

Look in the mirror
Can't you feel the pain
And see the sorrow?
Your reflection won't last for tomorrow.
Wake Up Black Man!
Can't you see the sorrow?

Black man!
Take a Look
Take a Good Look!

Open your eyes and look deep within
R U satisfied with the life U R living?

Come on Black man!
What is wrong with you?
Why are you killing time
When time quietly kills you?

Put down the drugs and the gun.
Buckle up your pants and take the responsibility
To maintain your young.

Recognize Black man
She's your Mother!
You must show respect and love to her.

No....Black man
She is the one who brings you comfort when you're in pain.
You must cease from calling her such
Horrible name.

She's the one who brought you joy
When she gave you a son
Don't take her for a toy.
Respect her Black man
She's the Queen of our land
The mother of civilization.
Cease from using such horrible name
To describe your Black woman.

Black man!
Wake up and see the danger.
Clean up your life now.
Don't wait until later.

Black man!
Take a Look
Take a Good Look in the mirror
Can't you feel the pain
And see the sorrow?
Recognize Black Man!
You're the future of tomorrow.

Erwin's Poems

(Published in his first book)
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