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Jack Must Die

By Erwin Jones,

It is a crime that can not be excused,
neither denied nor forgiven,
a crime that has made Belizeans confused.
A crime of unspeakable horror,
a crime that is all over the news,
on channels five and seven
on WAVE, FM 2000, LOVE and KREM,
a crime that is taking the innocent lives of our young children.

It is a crime that has created panic, fear and terror,
among our young and old.
A crime that is surely of the devil,
a crime of unspeakable evil,
a crime committed by a wretched soul.

Why? you may ask,
Did Jack, grusemely kill
Jackie Malic, Erica and Sherilee Nicholas?
Where is Jay Blades?

Everyone is now searching for an answer,
to these beastly crimes of child murder.
The question people are now asking,
Does Belize really have a serial killer?

Society is now crying,
Calling on the authorities in the system
To find Jack and publicly hang him.

Oh, what a savage brute!
Jack has committed an unforgivable deed.
An eye for an eye,
and a tooth for a tooth,
the time has come for us to play the flute.
Jack too must suffer and bleed
as society puts him to death,
with a public beating filled with torture,
for the crimes he's committed against our babies
have being deeply felt by you and I.

Jack Must Die!

Erwin's Poems

(Published in his first book)
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