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A message from the Poor

by Erwin Jones

you remind us of the plant
that works so hard night and day,
to produce her precious nectar,
to have the honeybee that comes from afar
to take it away.

you remind us of the poor little child
who's mother is dead,
who dearly believes in her little head
her mama has gone away
and will be back to comfort her…someday.

you remind us of the goodness and warmth of the rain
that could sometimes turn into a beastly hurricane.
why…do you bring us pain?

why does the poor have to suffer
from your corrupted game?
why do you come to us in sheep clothing?
pretending to help us in times of need,
tricking us with lies born from greed.
blinding us, so we don't see the wolf within.
why do you come to us in sheep clothing?

you win our trust and take our vote,
then you leave us amidst ignorance
and poverty to battle our sinking boat.

You appoint yourself to high places
and quickly turn your back on our starving faces.
you who suppose to be our leader
have become our oppressor.
but this is just a reminder
we were the ones that gave you power.
therefore a message from the poor

coming election we will say…
corruption………no more
miseducation… more
unemployment……no more

VAT….no more

evil politicians….NO MORE.

signed. The Poor

Erwin's Poems

(Published in his first book)
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