Les Miserables Art
Here are a couple of drawings I did of Les Miserables characters...so far, only Eponine, Javert, Cosette and Valjean...but I'll do more! Please send me your drawings to post here as well!
I hope you enjoy my drawings and feel inspired to do some yourself...and PLEASE send them my way!
Here's my first try at Eponine.
Her costume is based on the Eponine wear seen in the musical, but her face is from my imagination!
And here's my second try...a bit lighter on the dimples, I think!
And, I naturally had to try my hand at Javert.
This time, I based my drawings on my favorite Javert, Philip Quast. I hope I captured at least some of his Javertitude!
My first try is a pretty frightening look at the Law...I certainly wouldn't want to be a criminal in this Javert's presence...and certainly would not want to have 24601 tattooed anywhere on my person!
My second attempt came out a bit lighter.
This time Javert did NOT dress in the dark that morning...forgot his hat though, but what can you do?
Here's a doodle I did all over my office calendar last month...a Javert cartoon of sorts....what sort, I'm not quite sure...but he does look a bit upset.
That 24601 got away again!!!
Here's yet another Javert...again based on Philip Quast!
For more drawings of Philip, check out my tiny little section on The Fix
Marius once told me, back in the days when he first saw Papa and I going for our walks...poor thing didn't even know my name...he found a handkerchief that he believed to be mine. It really belonged to Papa, hence the initials, U.F. (Ultime Fauchelevent...in honor of a good man, who helped us in our time of need.)
But dear Marius thought it belonged to me...and for the moment, I was his "Ursula"!
Here is an attempt to capture some of that moment...both Cosette and Valjean are from my imagination...however, somehow, Jean Valjean bears at least a passing resemblance to Colm Wilkinson!
More To Come!
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