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"A Midsummers Night Dream"


Theseus (Duke of Athens)

Hippolyta (Queen of Amazons)

Hermia (In Love with Lysander)

Helena (In Love with Demetrius)

Lysander (In Love with Helena)

Demetrius (In Love With Hermia)

Elida (Hermia's Mother)

Court Jester

Bottom (A Weaver)

Quince (A Carpenter)

Snug (A Joiner)

Flute (A Joiner)

Snout (A Tinker)

Starveling (A Tailor)

Oberon (King of Fairies)

Titania (Queen of Fairies)

Puck (Or Robin Goodfellow)

Little Prince

Spirit of the Wind

Spirit of the Water

Peas-Blossom (fairy)

Cobweb (Fairy)

Moth (Fairy)

Mustard Seed (Fairy

Philostrate (Mistress of Revels)

Pan (The Flute)

Adam Irish

Allyson Hathcock

Lyonese Stewart

Lauren Stone

Richard Ngo

Adam Sapien

Corey Watkins

Eugene Davis

Rob Nutt

Sean Berry

Nathan Christopher

Jacob Irish

Ollie Trimble

Corey Avis

Gregg Nighswonger

Carion Christine

Elonna Ratman

Sultan Bishop

Janell Menge

Allyson Hathcock

Christine Elliot

Melanie Ratman

Danielle Darrow

Janan Dalton

Aly Nighswonger

Shannon Paju

Sprites of the Enchanted Wood
Dureti Bishop, Arielle Briscoe, Danielle Briscoe, Gabrielle Briscoe, Catherine Brust, Ashley Gilmore, Elaine Hayhurst,
Kimberly Knight, Gwendolyn Price, Krystle Price, Heaven Ramirez, Heather Sapien, Elizabeth Watkins, Nicky White, Eleese Williams

Elves of the Enchanted Wood
Ethan Asaad, Andrew Gilman, Ryan Lowenstein

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