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"The Thief Of Baghdad"



Abu, The Beggar

Ahmed, The Prince

Lila, The Princess

Jafar, Prince of Dariabar

The Caliph of Baghdad

The Sultan of Pasha


Princess Fairuz

The Gold Merchant




Cory Watkins

Christopher Sato

Tom Breedlove

Kathy Hager

Richard Rumfelt

Gregory Plunkett

Adam Irish

Daniel Rowe

Joanna Grimsley

Ben Drury

Guy Yedwab

Norma Shea

Shannon Paju

Handmaidens to Princess Lila

Amanda Ramos, Megan Hoeffin, Shannon Thompson, Kaylee Bouwens

Royal Guard To Jafar






The Dard Queen

Jake Irish

Taylor Johnson

Chelsea Holmsen

Andrew Hiltzik

Robin Woods

Guy Yedwab

Regina Van Poucke

Allyson Hathcock

Children of Legend

Mika Scarrow, Lei Mueller, Amanda Lui, Alanna Regalbuto, Christina Ramos, Brianna Hill, Chelsea Monsolino, Jillian Monsolino, Michelle Rossi, Nicole Rossi, Jack Myles

Belly Dancers

Allyson Hathcock, Regina Van Poucke, Claudine Mason, Lorrie Reuter, Danille Bell, Joanna Grimsley, Shannon Paju

Dard Women

Allyson Hathcock, Regina Van Poucke, Claudine Mason, Lorrie Reuter, Joanna Grimsley, Michelle Rossi, Nicole Rossi, Elizabeth Watkins, Christina Ramos

Leader of Legend

Wizard of Baghdad

Little Abu-Boo

Wizard’s Daughter

Unique of Baghdad


Veil Merchant

Dancer Extraordinaire

Big Guard

Little Guard

Andrew Hiltzik

Prof. Rags

Shannon Regalbuto

Alanna Regalbuto

Rob Nutt

Justin Schindler

Jack Myles

Elizabeth Watkins

Andrew Jackson

David Micklos

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