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                        Lesson 22 Review

        Luke Hall


Matching        Fill in the Blank       True or False?



1.Encryting data for transfer to the server c. ssl
2.Interactive To-Do list for your site d. Task view
3.Document Check-In/Check Out b. Source Control
4.FrontPage component that can be used in creating site maps a. Categories



Fill in the Blank

5.The four types of review status built into FrontPage______, _____,_____and ________. code , content, legal, manager

6.A________ is a web that is within another web.  Sub web

7. In Folder View, a _________ beside a file name indicates you have this file open (check-out). Check

8. The three levels of FrontPage permissions are _______,_________, and __________.

Administrator, Author and Browse



True or False?

- 9. FrontPage automatically  creates default Tasks for every web or Web site.    True

- 10. Users with Author Permissions can create new sub webs. False

- 11. FrontPage always provides the means to handle your Web site or web security.   True

- 12.Security settings on a sub web must always be the same as for the root web.              False

- 13. A sub web cannot have sub webs of its own.
