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...last updated 13.02.08
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To all the performers who took to the stage in Cats at the New London during it's 21 years - Thank you! Amanda Abbs, Fiona Alexanda, Roland Alexander, Beata Alfoldi, Nikki Ankara, Helen Anker, Carl Anthony, Richard Armitage, David Ashley, Lance Aston, Norma Atallah, Matthew Attwell, Valda Aviks, Caroline Bagnall, Helen Baker, Julie Barnes, Jacqueline Barron, James Barron, Jude Barry, Peter Barry, Iren Bartok, Corrine Barton, Luke Baxter, Stephen Beagley, Christopher Beeching, Nikki Belsher, Kit Benjamin, Lindsay Benson, Sharon Benson, Paul Bentley, Sally Bentley, Samantha Biddulph, Jo Bingham, Peter Bishop, Marsha Bland, Brian Blessed, Suzy Bloom, Jacqui Boatswain, Di Botcher, Phillipa Boutler, Jacob Brent, Linda Mae Brewer, Sarah Brightman, Lindsey Britton, Clinton Brown, Kaye Brown, Emma Buckle, Alistair Bull, Keith Burns, Clare Burt, David Burt, Ulrika Butt, Simon Butteriss, Connor Byrne, Nina Caie, Rory Campbell, Michael Cantwell, Julie Carlton, Anna-Jane Casey, Veerle Castellyn, Peter Challis, Dan Chamberlain, Paul Channon, Colin Charles, John Chester, Diana Choy, Robin Cleaver, Anthony Clegg, Siobhan Coelby, Margie Connell, David Coombes, Vikki Coote, Christopher Copeland, Cathy Cordez, Cavin Cornwall, Simon Coulthard, Cassie Cowan, Jonathan Craige, Jackie Crawford, Chris Crompton, Matthew Cross, Danny Crossley, Nick Crossley, Phyllida Crowley-Smith, Richard Cuerden, Derek Cullen, Liz Curnick, Lindsey Danvers, Catrin Darnell, Francesco d'Astici,Alastair David, Geoff Davids, Louise Davidson, Amanda Courtney Davies, Corey Helen Davies, James Davies, Lindsey Dawson, Machael de Souter, Guy Paul de St. Germain, Jane Dee, Damien Delaney, Judi Dench, Jane Devonshire, Philip Devonshire, Sally Dewhurst, Caroline Dillon, Lucy Dixon, Michael Dore, Heather Douglas, Belle Dowson, Jayne Draper, Joantha Dunn, Adrian Edmeades, Julie Edmett, Ann Emery, Caroline Ephgrave, Candice Evans, Jeni Evans, Joanne Evans, Graham Fawcett, Lucy Fentum, Susie Fenwick, Ross Finnie, Neil Fitzwilliam, Tim Flannigan, Robert Foley, Rosemarie Ford, Wayne Fowkes, Mark Fowler, Donald Francke,Douglas Franklin, Jye Frasca, Nolan Frederick, Louisa Fribo, Ian Gant, Jason Gardiner, Ben Gardner, Geoff Garratt, Nigel Garton, Heather Lea Gerdes, Joann Gibb, Grahan Gletcher, Miguel Godreau, Adrian Goodfellow, Felicity Goodson, Matthew Gould, Bruce Graham, Sarah Graham, Heavon Grant, Tiffany Graves, Sarah Hadland, Samuel Hall, Andrew Halliday, Christopher Hall-Manley, Kate Hamilton, Nick Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Chrissie Hammond, Jacqui Harman, Helen Harper, Anita Harris, Philip Harrison, Robert Hartley, Barry Haywood, Angela Heneghan Tyers, Ruthie Henshall, Shaun Henson, Suzanna Heyne, Stephen Hill, Julia Hinchcliffe, David Hitchen, Michelle Hodgson, Sarah-Jane Honeywell, Michelle Hooper, Gen Horiuchi, Julie Horner, Simon Horril, Steven Houghton, Chris Houston, Christopher Howard, Douglas Howard, Finola Hughes, Seeta Indrani, Junix Inocian, Lia Izen, Damian Jackson, Stori James, Chris Jarvis, Alexandra Jay, Tee Jaye Jenkins, Danny John-Jules, Mark Johns, Stephanie Johns, Neil Johnson, Jimmy Johnston, Peter Johnston, Adam Richard Jones, Hilton Jones, Paul Jones, Ria Jones, Sascha Kane, Beverly Kay, Sean Kay, Nicola Keen, Sarah Keeton, Emma Kerslake, Patrick Kiens, Nicole Kimber, Barbara King, Donna King, Sean Kingsley, Grace Kinirons, Wendy Kitching, Katie Knight-Adams, Bonnie Langford, Cherida Langford, Diane Langton, Graham Lauren, Stephanie Lawrence, Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Sharon Lee-Hill, Kim Leeson, Cameron Leigh, Vincent Leigh, Jeff Leyton, Kenny Linden, Richard Lloyd-King, Rebecca Lock, Fergus Logan, Nunzio Lombardo, Debbie-Lee London, Erin Lordan, Rebecca Louis, Allan Love, Liz Love, David Lucas, Tom Lucas, Dennis Lupien, Jillie Mack, Duncan Macvicar, David Malek, Diane Manou, Betsy Marion, Simon Marlow, Julie-Ann Marsh, Gary Martin, Adam Matalon, Louisa McAlpine, Cheryl McAvoy, Rory McDermott, Darren McGarry, Susie McKenna, Campbell McKenzie, Mark McKerracher, Karen McSween, Stephen Mear, Ian Meeson, Verity Ann Meldrum, Philip Michael, Chellie Michaels, Lucy Middelton, Koffi Missah, Christopher Molloy, Rachel Mooney, Brenda Moore, Karl Morgan, Leah-Sue Morland, Jeroen Mosselman, Japeth Myers, Brenda-Jane Newhouse, Cye Newton, Paul Nicholas, Carol Neilsson, Andrew Norman, Daire O'Dunlaing, David Olton, Scarlett O'Neal, Alexis Owen Hobbs, Nicola-Lee Owens, Elaine Paige, Rebecca Parker, Jason Parmenter, Carl Parris, John Partridge, Kimberly Partridge, Anita Pashley, Thomas Paton, Lisa Peace, Charlotte Peck, Jon Peterson, Michael Aaron Peth, Richard Pettyfer, Peter Polycarpou, Nicholas Pound, Shezwae Powell, Tessa Pritchard, Nina Radetic, Sandy Rass, John Rawnsley, Jack Rebaldi, Kim Reeder, Michael Reinhard, Sinitta Renet, Richard Reynard, Neil Reynolds, Angela Richards, Meryl Richardson, Amanda Rikard, Heather Robbins, Beth Robson, Richard Roe, Neil Rose, Sebastian Rose, Annalisa Rossi, Joe Ryan, Carl Sanderson, Michael Sanderson, Myra Sands, Les Saxon, Jacqui Scot, Nick Searle, Mitch Sebastian, Jeff Shankley, David Shannon, Louisa Shaw, Lucy Shepherd, Scott Sherrin, Nicky Shorn, Deborah Shrimpton, James Skeggs, Wayne Sleep, Tommi Sliiden, Zoe Smith, Gareth Snook, Sarah Soetart, Tee Soo-Chan, Sparkey, Dawn Spencer, Louis Spencer, Nigel Spencer, Hugh Spight, John Stacey, Ken-Michael Stafford, Spencer Stafford, Deborah Steel, Clifford Stein, Marina Stevenson, Christian Storm, Nadia Strahan, Sandy Strallen, Summer Strallen, Judith Street, Simon Street, Michael Sundin, Sonie Swaby, Todd Talbot, Susan Jane Tanner, Stephen Tate, Caroline Tatlow, Femi Taylor, Sally Taylor, Taffy Taylor, Tristan Temple, Alberto Ter Doest, Catherine Terry, Geoff Thomas, Sorrell Thomas, Frank Thompson, Rebecca Thornhill, John Thronton, Tony Timberlake, Steven-John Toyaka, Louise Tomkins, Aidan Treays, Sally Ann Triplett, Emma Tunmore, John Turner, Kate Tydman, Oliver Tydman, Ben Tyrell, Ellie Tyrell, Peter Van Doesselaer, Ellis Van Laarhoven, Agnes Vandrepote, Drew Varley, Michiel Verkoren, Jocelyn Vodovoz Cook, Lisa Waddingham, Josie Walker, Bryn Walters, Karry Washington, Elizabeth Watts, Jane Watts, Donald Waugh, Helen Way, Steven Wayne, Marti Webb, Jane Wellman, Ken Wells, Sara West, Katherine Whittard, Dave Willets, Rachel Williams, Kim Winfield, Donna Winwood, Lindsey Wise, Patrick Wood, Ann Woodfienld, Richard Woodford, Emma Woods, John Woodvine, Alexandra Worrall, Andrew Wright, Marilyn Wulff, Mark Wynter, Rosita Yarboy, Robert Yeal, Zeph

Welcome to The Feline Muse. This is my site dedicated to Andrew Lloyd Webber's hit feline musical, Cats. The website is mainly about the London production, and some parts of the website are also about the video. If you have visited this website before, you may have noticed that the layout has changed. I have compliled the long list of links on the left into sections. To see what is in each section, simply hover your cursor over the appropriate link. Nothing at all has been removed from this website!

Thank you very much to those of you that have visited my website over the years. I do not intend to update this site again, but have decided to leave it online, so if you have enjoyed looking at it you can continue to do so! Thanks again :)