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...banners and linking to me

If you have enjoyed my website and have one of your own, please feel free to link to me. I would be very flattered! If you would prefer not to use a banner, you may of course use a text link. To use a text link, copy and paste the following code into your webpage.

<a href=""> The Feline Muse </a>

Below is my linking banner. If you would like to use this instead of a text link, please download the banner, and then upload it to your own server. If you try to link it directly from your website to mine, it will not work, and you will get an ugly red cross broken picture icon! This is because this is known as bandwidth theft, which Angelfire does not allow.

If you would like to see your website on my links page, then please e-mail me with the name of your website, and the URL that you would like me to link to. I am afraid that I personally don't use banners, because I have quite a number of links, and this makes the page very slow to load.