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...campbell mckenzie : mistoffelees

TRAINING - Australian Ballet School THEATRE - Principal roles with the Australian Ballet include Siegfried in Swan Lake, Franz in Coppelia, Albert in Giselle, Prince Floribund in Sleeping Beauty, Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet, Petruchio in Crank’s Taming of the Shrew, Camille in Hynde’s The Merry Widow, Basilio in Nureyev’s Don Quixote, Les Sylphides, Etudes and Graduation Ball as well as numerous roles in works by Tetley, Tudor, Robbins, Chilean, Bejart and Balanchine. Campbell joined the Scottish Ballet in 1994 performing the lead roles in Cinderella, Coppelia, Romeo & Juliet, Tales of Hoffman, La Sylphide, Cheri, Peter Pan, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, La Fille Mal Gardee, Les Sylphides and The Nutcracker. Campbell also created the role of The Lover in Adam Cooper’s Just Scratching the Surface, roles in Cohan’s Four Seasons, and Mark Baldwin’s A Fond Kiss. The Royal Ballet where roles include Colas in La Fille Mal Gardee and Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet. He created a role in Baldwin’s Towards Poetry and danced the roles of Tirinio in Ashton’s Ondine, Red Bot in Fearful Symmetries and centre pas de six in Peter Wright’s Giselle. Campbell has most recently danced with City Ballet.

TELEVISION - Numerous television programmes in Australia and Scotland performing a variety of principal roles.