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Love, Romance and
You Know What!

The Honeymoon

Need we expose to vulgar sight
The raptures of the bridal night? …
Let it suffice, that each had charms;
He clasp'd a goddess in his arms;
And, though she felt his usage rough,
Yet in a man 'twas well enough.
Oliver Goldsmith - The Double Transformation

a red rose
Said a newly-wed maiden of Ealing,
"A honeymoon seems so appealing
But for nearly two weeks
I've heard only bed-squeaks,
And seen nothing but cracks in the ceiling."

a red rose
Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice,
The midnight cry, "Behold, I come!"
H Bonar - Public School Hymn Book No. 304

a red rose
The coming of the Bridegroom is so swift that He is perpetually coming and dwelling within with unfathomable riches, and ever coming anew in His Person, without interception, with such new brightness that it seems as though he had never come before. For His coming consists beyond time, in an eternal Now, which is ever received with new longings and new joy.
Jan Van Ruysbroeck

a red rose
A weary bride -- poor little fluff -
Said, "My thing's all tender and rough
I realise, Cyril
You're terribly virile
But six times a day is enough."

a red rose
I write to you from here, the happiest, happiest Being that ever existed. Really, I do not think it possible for any one in the world to be happier, or as happy as I am. He is an Angel, and his kindness and affection for me is really touching. To look in those dear eyes, and that dear sunny face, is enough to make me adore him. What I can do to make him happy will be my greatest delight.
Queen Victoria -
in a letter from Windsor to her Uncle Leopold, 11 Feb. 1840,
the day after her wedding to Albert

a red rose
The first seven months of their marriage was more like blue sky than brown earth; and if any one had told Mabel that her husband was a mortal, and not an angel, sent to her that her days and nights might be unmixed, uninterrupted heaven, she could hardly have realised the information.
Charles Reade - Peg Woffington

a red rose
And it happened that Erec loved Enid with such passion that he forgot all about knightly preoccupations and failed to go to tournaments. All he wanted to do was spend his time in amorous dalliance with his wife, … often lying in bed with her till after midday, and then idling the day long in kisses and caresses. His companions were mortified.
Chretien De Troyes - Erec et Enide, 12th Century

a red rose
Nought now was heard, but Love and Dear,
My Dear go there! My Love come here!
And, since it is such charming weather,
O let us take a stroll together;
While she would sing to some fine tune,
"Our life shall be one honeymoon".
William Combe -
The Third Tour of Dr Syntax, in Search of a Wife, 1821

a red rose
It was difficult not to be introspective on our honeymoon. Besides, Venice turned out not to be the ideal location, for I was suffering from a late bout of morning sickness … a gondola was particular torture.
Rachel Billington - A Woman's Age