Sound Operator: Marc Rodriguez
Lighting operator: Mara Macul Mendes
Spotlight Operators: Phoebe Macul Mendes, Michaela Stanton & Jenni Lakin
Tech Direction: Andy Stewart
Assistant Tech Director: Scott Weekes
Act 1
Another Openin’ .............. Ensemble
Magical Treat................. Bob Nixon
Do You Love Me?............... Deb Howard, Henry Eichman
To Life ...................... Jerry Crute, Henry Eichman
The Honeymooners Part 1 ...... Deb Howard, Elizabeth Kelso, Bob Nixon, Darryl Sterling
Julia Childs.................. Chris Vallance
The Honeymooners Part 2
Anything You Can Do........... Lauren Haven, Michelle Tondreau
More Magic ................... Bob Nixon
Everything’s Coming Up Roses.. Ensemble
Act 2
Let Me Entertain You.......... Ensemble
Magical reprise............... Bob Nixon
On Broadway................... Ensemble
Ed Sullivan Hour
Summer Nights................. Leah Tondreau, Humberto Herrera
Sandra Dee.................... Kendra Al- Betts
Another Taste of Magic........ Bob Nixon
No Business Like Show Business. Ensemble
The Cast & Crew
Hee Haw Heartbreak............ Jay, Dolly, & Jenni
Mickey Mouse.................. Small Ensemble
Laugh In Visit................ Carol Briggs, Jerry Crute
Is it Elvis?.................. Chris Vallance
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