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December 1, 1999, Cooks Corner Denny’s, Brunswick, Maine

Meeting called to order at 6:30 P.M. by President Lennie Eichman.

Present: Lennie Eichman, Henry Eichman, Andrew Stewart, Marie Stewart, Judy


Regrets: Carter Ruff, Carol Briggs

SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes of the October 8, 1999 meeting were read, and


TREASURER'S REPORT: There is still one outstanding bill from THE GONDOLIERS. The show profits will be close to $400 once all debts are negotiated. There was a $170 correction from an error in the August 29, 1999 treasure’s report. The following members' annual dues are requested.

Hamish Strong

Rachel Prescott

Diane Sturgis

Richard Holman

Gayle Metzger

Ed Sargent

Marc Rodriguez

Kris McNeill

Please submit payments to Henry Eichman.

The operating fund balance is $3256.58.

The TREASURER'S report was passed as submitted.

THE GONDOLIERS: The show did well considering the number of other productions going on at the same time.

CHRISTMAS THANK-YOU PERFORMANCES: Your MCP secretary never pulled a letter together offering a thank-you sing to rehearsal space providers. A group may carol at the St. John’s craft fair on December 4. A motion for donations of $100 to St. John’s and $50 to Good Shepherd was passed to take the place of a formal thank-you performance.

SAINT JOHN'S MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING: Andy Stewart will draft a letter expressing an interest in the St. John’s capital campaign and closer relationship between MCP and the St.’ John’s parish.

DINNER THEATER: Discussions of a dinner theater production continued. Gilbert and Sullivan’s TRIAL BY JURY is the proposed show. Since volunteers to assist with the dinner end are in short supply the possibilities of working with a local restaurant or a church organization will be explored. A Lasagna dinner cooked by MCP is still not out of the question. Andy will check with New Meadows Inn and the Atrium. January 28&29 is the current target date for the performance.

MUSIC MAN: Planning has started. WE NEED A PRODUCER, TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, AND MUSIC DIRECTOR. Please let Henry know if you're interested. Performance will be the last weekend of March and the first weekend of February.

NEW BUSINESS: In addition to the Home Fund. A scholarship fund was discussed. A motion to start a fund with 10% of the current operating fund and to provide 10% of future show profits was passed. Half of the allocated funds will go directly to scholarships for year 2000 graduates. Half the allocated funds will be used to start a perpetual account for future scholarships. A committee will be formed to develop dispursement guidelines.


December 17, 1999, 6:30 Cooks Corner Denny’s, Brunswick, Maine



Dinner Theater - Status