February 25, 2000, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Brunswick, Maine
Meeting called to order at 5:00 P.M. by President Lennie Eichman.
Present: Lennie Eichman, Henry Eichman, Andrew Stewart, Marie Stewart, Judy
Diemer, Carol Briggs, Elaine Perry
SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes of the December 17, 1999 meeting were read, and
TREASURER'S REPORT: Oral Report provided by Henry Eichman. With a current $1440.00 personal loan to MCP, the organization is solvent at the present time. The loan will allow existing working capital to be applied to THE MUSIC MAN production costs. Sponsorship forms have been provided to THE MUSIC MAN cast with hopes that their community/business contacts will generate additional sponsorship funds.
DINNER THEATER: The TRIAL BY JURY dinner theater at The New Meadows Inn was an outstanding success. Rick Armstrong would like to schedule two more shows between April and early June. Hamish Strong is working on an edited version of Gillbert & Sullivan’s THE GONDILEIRS to be staged for a dinner theater audience.
There was also interest from Sebasco Estates to run several dinner theater style shows at the resort over the summer.
Andy Stewart will approach both New Meadows and Sebasco Estates to firm up schedule dates and productions.
MUSIC MAN: Production is well underway. Lauren Haven is the music director. Lennie Eichman and Andy Stewart are trying to hold down production responsibilities. We still need a technical director and three players to round out the barber shop quartet. Please let Henry know if you know anybody interested. Performance will be the last weekend of March and the first weekend of April. An additional rehearsal date is set for Saturday, March 18. Lennie Eichman will put out a press release. With Graphical help from Hamish Strong, Andy Stewart will produce promotional flyers and tickets.
SCHOLORSHIP FUND: Lennie Eichman will check with the Mt. Ararat guidance office to obtain some scholarship guidelines for MCP to use in developing MCP scholarship fund guidelines.
In recognition that THE MUSIC MAN is consuming all of our energy, we will meet "as required" until the show has run. The next scheduled meeting will likely be in early April, watch your email.
Dinner Theater - Status
Scholarship Fund - Award guideline development