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June 4, 2000, Good Shepherd Lutheran church, Brunswick, Maine

Meeting called to order at 4:45 P.M. by President Lennie Eichman.

Present: Lennie Eichman, Henry Eichman, Andrew Stewart, Carol Briggs, Kaylee Trefethen, Marc Rodriguez, Brad Howard, Deb Howard, Judy Diemer, Pam Tondreau, Leah Tondreau, Marie Stewart, Chris Vallance

SECRETARY'S REPORT: Minutes of the May 14, 2000 meeting were read, and accepted.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Oral report provided by Henry Eichman. The bills for Kresge Auditorium, the children's show music and general utilities have been paid bringing the general account balance down to about $200.


Having Deb Howard replace Lennie Eichman as secretary modified the officer nominations presented at the last meeting. The following slate of officers was elected.

President - Henry Eichman

Vice President - Andy Stewart

Secretary - Deb Howard & Brad Howard.

Treasurer - Maryjane Donley

2000/20001 SEASON SLATE. The season slate proposed at the last meeting was modified to have Henry Eichman instead of Lennie Eichman directing PRINCESS IDA and PATIENCE was added as the youth show. The following slate was passed.

Fall 00 PRINCESS IDA. Henry Eichman directing

Spring 01 INTO THE WOODS. Marc Rodriguez directing.

Summer 01 PATIENCE - Lennie Eichman directing. (Youth show)

Summer 01 children's show - TBD.

DINNER THEATER: The dinner theater show at Sebasco Estates on 17 August for $350 is confirmed. Marc Rodriguez volunteered to direct the production. Several parts will need to be recast to replace members of the Feb 00 cast who will not be available. Since we are getting this show back together, other venues should be considered. All members are encouraged to consider other places the show could be run.

VARIETY SHOW. A variety show has been proposed to fill our appearance obligations at Bath Heritage Days and the Topsham Fair. Lennie and Carol volunteered to coordinate the acts. (POST METING DEVELOPMENT - Lennie will be unable to support this event due to tech week of TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, rehearsal July 3rd, but will send a mass email and contact Bob Nixon.) Email Carol soon if you have an act or skit that you can pull together to support this effort.

YOUTH SHOW - TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Rehearsals are underway. Due to shifting responsibilities, a pianist is need. Suggestions are welcome.

CHILDREN'S SHOW - ENCHANTED SLEEPING BEAUTY. Auditions have gone well. Close to 30 kids have tried out. Rehearsal space has been set up with the Bath YMCA.

SET/COSTUME BARN MAINTENANCE DAY. Lennie will schedule another maintenance day in conjunction with a Youth Show costume day. We will need some adult members to show up and supervise the following tasks.

-Restore window in Costume room.

-Paint some exterior trim work

-Touch up paint on exterior siding

-Finish clean up

-Mow and Weed Whack

(POST METING DEVELOPMENT - Lennie has set the afternoon of June 25 for costume gathering of Two Gentlemen cast & suggests it's a good time to snag their energy for this purpose.)


The Topsham Fire Department solicited MCP support/sponsorship for a Boston Bruin's alumni softball game program advertisement. We must respectfully decline because of resource constraints.

Congratulations and thank you to MCP officers who have stepped down.




Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report

Dinner Theater Status

Youth Show Status

Children’s Show Status

Set/Costume Barn maintenance day