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Enter Misteazer's Junkyard

NEW SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out my new site:

Disclaimer so I can't get sued:
I own absoluetly NOTHING from CATS. All CATS character, logos, etc, are propery of RUG and Andrew Llyodd Webber.
All fanfics, fan art, and other fan related contributions are property of their owner and Misteazer's Junkayard. They may not be used on any other site without permission or unless otherwise said so.
All actor information and pictures are proprety of Misteazer's Junkayrd...and the actors

Terms of Agreement:
All contributing fans must agree to the following:
The contribution made by you is property of Misteazer's Junkyard and may be used anywhere on the site depending on how the site owner (me) sees fit to it.

Misto hugs and Jacob kisses,

IT'S PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Come RSVP NOW!!!!!!!

CATS postcard:
NOT for taking!



And here's something you NEVER see: RENT on a CATS site!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, this is DF's Rent/CATS rpg, PLEASE join!!!!!! We REALLY need players! Tell ur friends!!!!

Click to subscribe to catsrent_rpg