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Naw, really?! I won?!

*glee* This is where I've put up the awards you can win for your website, each a little bit different, with different specifications. When you win, you get one of these nifty awards (that won't have smaple written across it) and a link to your site on this page. Most sites will win, of course, because I like giving people stuff, but if you don't, there will be no notification via email, because I hate telling people they don't win. :-/

This is an award for sites that have a beautiful layout, many graphics that aren't broken, doesn't hurt your eyes to look at, and has some information. Not really very hard to get.
(*Point of interest: The picture is a German Demeter, date unknown)

The very easiest award to get, for sites that have at *least* one picture, some good information, and nothing broken. Pretty much guaranteed. :)
(*Point of interest: The Macavity is Kenny Linden from the 1999 London cast, the Demeter is from Japan, 1999.)

The hardest to win, you have to have lots of good information, several pictures, and nothing broken. The site you want to check back everyday to see if there's updates is the kind that gets this. But it's pretty safe to ask for this one; you're eligible for both others even if you don't win this one. :)
(*Point of interest: This is a cast from Stuttgart, Germany, date unknown.)

Website Awards


The Form

Fill out this form to apply for your award, and please don't kill me if it's a week or so before you get a reply. Thanks! :)


Your net alias:

Email address:

Which award do you want to win?

Golden Site Award
Macavity/Demeter "Crime" Award
Spectacular Website Award


Why do you think you should win? (Please include your website's address in this section!)