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I'm sure everyone who's really into CATS knows who the characters are, but the following are my takes on them. Nothing is meant to offend, and it's generally based on the Troika Tour and Last London Cast. All of this is subject to adding to and completion. I hope. :)

Alonzo is various shades of brown and yellow on Broadway and on Tour, but in London he's white with black splotches. In every production except the video, he does most of the Macavity fighting. On Tour and Broadway he's usually mates with Demeter by the end of the show.

Gus used to be a great actor cat, but since old age has crept up on him, he can only relate, wistfully, his stories to the Jellicles. He's always grey and brown, as well as some other colours. In London he wears a kind of furry mane throughout the show.

This bright-red queen is the sex-bomb (no pun intended) of the Jellicle Tribe, and stands out no matter what cast yoiu watch. She and Tugger have a kind of amusing love-hate relationship, and you'll indubitably see her flirting with almost every male tom.

Bustopher Jones
This black-and-white tuxedo tom is generally thought to be Quaxo's uncle. He's picky, pompous, and he eats a lot.

aka Pouncival-in-the-video's only found in London, and his most distinguishing feature is the brown slash over his left eye. One of the youngest male kittens, he has an extreme crush on Bombalurina, and is friends with almost-everybody! He's extremely energetic and likes getting into trouble.

This mysterious, sleek burmese is generally Alonzo's mate in London, but she's been known to be with Munkustrap, as well. In the video and in some other productions she is Mistoffelees' assistant in his song.

Has a sleeker appearance in London than on Broadway, and Coricopat is Tantomile's twin. Both of them move in perfect sync, and have some sort of psychic prowess that allows them to sense what's going to happen before it actually does.

Demeter is generally gold and black in any production (Red in Japan, though) and is usually Alonzo's mate. (Munkustrap's in London and the video.) Demeter has had some sort of past relationship with macavity, but no one's really sure what. Daughter, Lover, Sister...the possibilities are endless.

A brown-and-orange crosshatched queen kitten. She has a crush on Tugger, and is friends with Victoria, Etcetera, and Jemima.

Maybe the most adoring Tugger-fan in the show, this hyper kitten is calico-coloured and is friends with Jemima, Victoria, and Electra.

Grizabella left the tribe long ago, and during the show is trying to reach out to her former tribe and be accepted again. In the end of the show she's sent to the Heaviside, and every cat in the show accepts her back after she pours out her soul in Memory.

A fairly young queen who is yellow in colour, everywhere except London, where she older and cream coloured. She has strong ties with Gus, and could be his daughter or sister.

Jemima in London, with a pinkish unitard with black crosshatching and a spiky wig, and a kind of reddish kitten as Sillabub (The Tour, and Broadway). She is very wise and mature for a kitten, and is the first to accept Grizabella back.

Jenny is an old cat that does nothing but sit...and sit...and sit. Or so she'd have you believe. An accomplished tap-dancer and discipliarian, Jenny is Bustopher's mate (at least, she'd like to be) and is pinkish-coloured with tiger stripes and leopard spots.

Macavity may seem evil, but I think he has reasons for what he does. He kidnaps Deutoronomy and fights Munkustrap (Or Alonzo, depending on the production), and then allegedly kills himself. But it's my opinion that he's not really dead, 'cause I have an inexplicable fondness for the red Napolean of Crime.

This young, black-and-white magical prodigy is just learning about his powers, but he's magical enough to being Deutoronomy back after he's kidnapped.

Rarely seen without his partner-in-crime, Rumpleteazer, this black, yellow and orange cat burglar is mischievious and clever.

This silver tiger is the second-in-command of the Jellicle Tribe. He's is a watcher, story-teller, and protector.

Old Deutoronomy
This grey persian is the Jellicle leader. He's wise, kind, and over ninety-nine years old-in human years! He is kidnapped by macavity but later brought back by Mistoffelees.

On Broadway and the Tours, Plato is a knockabout tom kitten who doubles as Macavity. he's white with brown and black markings.

Carbucketty's alter ego, Pouncival exists only in the Tours and Broadway, as well as in the video. (Name mix-up! The cat named Pouncival int he cideo is actually the London Carbucketty.) He constantly gets into trouble, but he's adorable, so no one minds him much. His look is constantly changing..

Rarely seen without her partner-in-crime, Mungojerries, this black, yellow, white and orange cat burglar is mischievious and clever.

Rum Tum Tugger
Tugger is the ladies' man of the tribe. He has a huge lion's mane, a wig with an Elvis pompadour, a silver belt, and biker golves-needless to say, he's hard to miss. He and Bombalurina have a kind of love-hate relationship.

Skimble is a railway cat-he rides the rails, keeping things in order. Never, ever, ever, ever make him late. *g* Like in the London production...*reminisces*

Has a sleeker appearance in London than on Broadway, and Tantomile is Coricopat's twin. Both of them move in perfect sync, and have some sort of psychic prowess that allows them to sense what's going to happen before it actually does.

This knockabout tom kitten is white, black and brown, and is generally Pouncival's partner in crime.

This graceful white cat comes of age during the Jellicle Ball, and has a solo dance in which we find out that all her muscles are made of rubber.