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Last-Minute Costume

My friend Trivia (Emma) came with me to CATS in July(2002), and needed a costume. Needless to say, everything that we made was done the night before, so the costume wasn't complete.
CATS Tanktop

A plain black tanktop from Roots, coloured with white, grey and red acrylic paint, left to dry overnight.


We made her tail basically, tying yarn onto a cord, and braiding more yarn for a belt. We used mostly white yarn (uber fluffy style), and red and grey Red Heart.

Apologies for smallness of picture.


Purchased at Act One (Canadian Dance Chain) for ten dollars (Canadian). They weren't, but they were warmers, and knit, so they counted.


Based heavily on London's Munkustrap, but with lighter shades. She also had striped arms.
