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This website wouldn't be at all possible without the support of my friends (you know who you are..*nudge to ya!*), family, etc.

Credit's also due to these fine people, who have given me graphics, support, et all:

A site that has, unfortunatly, stopped updating, but is good nonetheless.

A special friend of mine, I've borrowed graphics from, collaborated with and been friends with him for...well, a long time. *hugs* Thanks, Velv. (Oh, friendship banner made by him, too. Thanx for the idea, Sunsheria!)

Obsidia's Jellicle Jubilee
What can I say? Thanks for...everything!

The concept of this site and all the pages therein are copyright© Fairlith Harvey ("Balurina"), 2002. I make no profit from this website, and endorse none of the pop-ups or ads featured on these pages. CATS the musical is copyright© Valerie Eliot (widow of the late T.S. Eliot), Andrew Lloyd Webber, Trevor Nunn, Cameron Macintosh, Gillian Lynne and John Napier, amoung others. I have never performed in CATS, though I hope someday I will, and am not and never will be any of these fine people.
Pictures on this site are © The Really Useful Group and/or whoever took them. Program captures are ultimately mine. Please do not take, redistribute, or put any pictures or graphics up on your page without first emailing the owner, if it's not mine.
If you do borrow pictures or graphics, if you use this graphic with a link and I'll be happy as a clam.


If you're interested, all my old sites that have either closed or...well, interest has faded, and sort of current projects. Things that aren't closed are starred. (**).

Balurina's Jellicle Mayhem

Abso-Bloomin'-Lutely-Loverly, An Orlando Bloom Fansite

VannyCATS! The Troika Tour in Vancouver, Canada**

My VannyCATS Trip Report. Pictures much.**

Velvedere and Balurina's Jellicle Tails. I really don't do much on this...the concept and banner are mine, though.**

*bows* Thassit...All the technical-ish, boring, disclaimer-y things are over with now. Back?