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CATS Jellybeans

I have to give credit to Obsidia for the idea-we were talking about it over AIM. It was cool enough for me to post up here-cool? Or weird? You decide. ;-)

Flavoured with licorice and that fizzy sugar for the traditional "Misto Sparkle". ;)

Bright red with preeeetty dark spots to match both her personality and fur colour, this cherry jellybean is....yes. A red jellybean. I can't give sales talks..

French Vanilla-flavoured for that...'Victoria elegance and refinement'. Sure. And the black French Vanilla flecks just to remind everyone that our dear kitten isn't, and never has been, pure white. *shudder*

The JellyBelly people said that this is 'Sizzling Cinnamon' flavour, and in Obsidia's words, this is a direct quote:

"macavity would be really spicey cinnamon"...which is reason enough.

Durr...the colour matches? Caramel-flavoured. Cassandra Caramel. It's alliteration.

Rumpleteazer & Mungojerrie (respectively)
Colour counterparts that look calico-ish without being totally identical. :)

Obsidia says: "just cuz its the closest to gray and... well... the munkuholics will get a kick out of the description given to it on the site ;-)" I agree. Yay for moldy-looking jellybeans. :-9

The Rum Tum Tugger
.... Cause it's fun, it's dark, & it's smoooooooooth... (according to both me and Obsidia...we like our Tugger-Bunny.)

Apparently those who like Pineapple are gentle, kind, and sweet-natured. Plus I like yellow jellylorums. Down with London jelly costumes! *sulks*

It's pink! has this to say: "Pink Grapefruit loving people are elegant and have the most discerning taste." What else can I add to that? Heheh...

Toasted marshmallow looks like Etcetera's coat, plus it's gummy and sweet and annoying at the same time. Who eats marshmallow jellybeans?!? *cowers* Anyway, it fits her personality. Yes.

It's gold and brown, which matches her colour, but let's take a deeper look into this bean...
Banana=Yellow=Cliche for Fear=Paranoia=Demeter. Nuff said.

Cafe Latte suits Carbucketty/Pouncival perfectly-especially the after-coffee hyper buzz. ;)

Orange-Juice flavoured is just perfect for our no-nonsense orange tabby.

Alonzo (Broadway ;-))
Chocolate Pudding. No further comments.

Cappucino. For much the same reasons that Carbucketty is Cafe Latte...:) It also matches his colouring, though, which is good.