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CAT of the Moment-September

Orgininal Broadway ^^

Name: Skimbleshanks (The Railway Cat)

Appearance:An orange and yellow tabby with a white bib, and during his song he wears a brown and white vest. He has green eyes and a brown tail similar to Cassandra's during his song, but the rest of the time he has a normal fluffy tail like everyone else.

Song: Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat

Quote: "...By and large, it was me who was in charge of the sleeping car express! From the driver and guards, and the bagmen playing cards, I would supervise them all! ......More or less."

Favourite: Definitely Stori James in London. Though he was a swing, he didn't have that annoying Scottish accent and he brought a real youth and vitality to the role. Unfortunately, now that the London production has closed, I'll never get to see him in the role again, but he'll still always be my favourite Skimble.

Relevant Graphics:

A Jellicle Mood Button made by me.