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Starlight Express

A musical I have recently been introduced to, Starlight Express has all the components wonderful musicals-like CATS-need to go down as classics. The music is engaging and fun, the lyrics are capturning, as well. *sighs*

"I am electric!
Feel my attraction.
Feel my magnetism-you will agree.
I am electric!
I have the contact.
I am electric!
The future is me!"

Starlight Express is essentially the dream of a little boy in which his toy trains come to life. There is a race, and 'the little engine that could', Rusty, ends up the victor. Not that I don't like him-Rusty is one of my favourite characters, and sings one of my favourite songs from the show. (Well, actually, him being one of the main characters, he sings more than one..) Electra, the electric engine, is my other favourite character. AC/DC is my very favourite song from StEx. The costumes run from the mildly complicated to the INCREDIBLY complicated, one of the craziest being Electra's.

Random StEx Stuff

U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D-Sung by Frances Ruffelle as Dinah, the Dining car (aka Origninal London and Broadway Eponine)

U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D 2-sung by Caren Cardelle. (Can you tell I like this song?)

Crazy-Sung by Rusty and the Coaches. This is my favourite Rusty song. :)

Opinions and MORE Randomness

I really don't think Greaseball deserved Dinah... poor Electra. :( It wasn't His fault he couldn't whistle. I would've stayed with him. *happy sigh* I can't believe I'm fanatasizing about a train, but....*shrug*