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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
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Al Moll

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Corrin Hayes

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Dan Matthews

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Debbie Carrier

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Don Peters

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Garrett Clapp

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Jill Scollen

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Gregg Morden

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Jen Yoell

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Jerry Frezon

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John Hill

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John T

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Dave Pickett

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Lyn Freeman

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Pat Carmody

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By Dale Wasserman
based on the novel by Ken Kesey
Directed in Owosso by Tony Hornus and Ruth McKay (1998)
Lebowsky Center, Owosso, MI


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest tells the story of McMurphy, a charming rogue who contrives to serve a short sentence in a mental institution rather than work in a prison. With his rebellious charm and spontaneity, he quickly takes over the ward and wins the loyalty of his fellow inmates, much to the disapproval of the head nurse! This brilliant entertainment is triumphant and completely engaging as McMurphy's sentence is extended day after day.

presented by special arrangement with Samuel French







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