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What's going on!??!


Tuesday 16th May, 2000

Yey! Just added a page for another of my all time favourite musicals - Oklahoma! Soon there should be some clips and pictures on there too!

I've updated the POTO section with some more pictures and there are more one the way!! Hopefully, by the end of the week there whould be loads more pictures and clips from all the musicals I've featured so far!

OH, and if you have any suggestions for musicals that I haven't yet listed, just email me -

Maybe you have a site based on one of the musicals listed or you may know of a good one that you've visited, email me a link or the URL and I can start a links section too!!!

Monday 8th May, 2000

Phew - well, the Miss Saigon Pictures page is even fuller now!! I will, when I have time, add better decriptions. Who's in them, which production they're form etc etc.!! Also added the synopsis to the Aspects of Love page. And some brief character descriptions for the Cats page. There'll be even more clips as soon as I've located the web space for them all!!!!

Friday 5th May, 2000

Well well well. Hasn't this site come on in leaps and bounds since last week!!! I've been very busy (as you can probably tell!!) amassing pictures, clips, characters details and all manner of other things to add to my latest site. So as you may have noticed there are pages for the following musicals:- PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, MISS SAIGON, CATS, ASPECTS OF LOVE, JOSEPH and BLOOD BROTHERS! Some pages have more than others right now (others a lot more!) but I'm constantly adding more things!!! And you will also find a page of POLLS which will be updated regularly - I promise! Well, until next time...bye for now!!