Invader Zim Quotes:
Top Quotes
- Gaz: Dib drank the last soda. HE WILL PAY!
- Dib: If Zim isn't an alien, why is his skin green? Zim: Uh...It's a skin condition! Dib: [To Class] Look! Zim doesn't have ears! Is that part of your skin condition, too? Zim: Yes.
- G.I.R.: I love this show!
- [Zim is inside Dib's body.] Zim: I am in control of you arm nerve! Dib: Humans don't -have- arm nerves!
- Zim: Prepare to meet your moosey fate!
- Zim: Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!
- Dib: Ms. Bitters, have you noticed anything strange about the hamster? He's three times his size and hehas that hideous throbbing alien device on his back.
- Krazy Taco Cashier: Thanks for coming to Krazy Taco, can I take your order? So that's two large tacos, and a medium Gir, take us back to the base right now, you want a drink with that?
- G.I.R.: Tell me a story about giant pigs!
- G.I.R.: I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now. G.I.R.: Doom doom doom...
- [A mystic escape portal is in Dib's own forehead.] Zim: There! That should be wide enough. Dib: What about me? How do I get back? Zim: Good question! BUT I DON'T CARE!
- Zim: Now, to unleash screaming temporal doom!
- Zim: What are you watching? G.I.R.: Angry monkey. Zim: That's one horrible monkey! G.I.R.: Mmhmm.
- Zim: Wait a minute. You're in the houses computer? G.I.R.: Uh-huh Zim: You're the new brain? G.I.R.: I guess so!
- Almighty Tallest Purple: Weren't you banished to Foodcourtia? Shouldn't you be...frying something? Zim: Oh, I quit when I found out about this. Almighty Tallest Purple: You quit being banished?
- [About Zim's attack on his home planet:] Zim: I put the fires out. Almighty Tallest Red: You made them worse! Zim: Worse...or better?
- Almighty Tallest Red: You will be sent to a planet so mysterious, no one has even heard of it! Almighty Tallest Purple: Right! And those who have heard of it dare not speak it's name! Zim: What's it's name? Almighty Tallest Purple: Oh, I dare not speak it!
- The Letter M: What's wrong with you? All you talk about is aliens and ghosts and seeing Bigfoot in your garage! Dib: He was using the belt sander...
- G.I.R.: Awww...I wanted to explode.
- Dib: [gasping] Sorry I'm late...horrible...nightmare visions! Ms. Bitters: It's called life, Dib. Now sit down.
- Ms. Bitters: Children, your performance in the school fundraiser was pathetic. Your parents will receive phone calls instructing them to love you less.
- Zim: You can't escape by teleporter, little Gaz. I cut the power! Your pitiful attempt to escape is nothing but a PITIFUL FAILURE! Stupid, stinking humans! Gaz: Doesn't this spaceship have any escape pods? Zim: Of course; they're right over there.
- G.I.R.: [disguised as a dog] MEOW!
- G.I.R.: G.I.R. reporting for duty! Zim: What's the
Top Quotes Part II
- Zim: I'm an unstoppable death machine you know.
- Zim: I've had it with your nonsense spread by your filthy mouth filled with...corn! Dib: But I haven't eaten any corn. Zim: LIAR!
- Zim: Curse you snacks! Curse yooooooou
- Gaz: Why do you have to have a head?
- Dib: Ms. Bitters, I have a pencil up my nose. Can I go to the nurse? Ms. Bitters: How far is it? Dib: (Beat) Pretty far.
- Dib: Chickenfeet, come back! You're not a freak! You're just stupid!
- [In a chicken restaurant] Customer: I want my slaw. Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir. Customer: I want my slaw! Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir. Customer: I WANT MY SLAW! Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir.
- Dib: There are many mysteries still unsolved. I figure, you know...I'll do some of that.
- Zim: You expect me to pay to ride this filthy contraption?? Have you the brain worms?!
- Dib: Someone said she's existed from time immemorial and they just built the school around her.
- Elves: [singing] Bow down... bow down... before the power of Santa! Or be crushed... be crushed... by his jolly boots of doom!
- Zim: Shut your noise tube, Taco Human!
- Zim: Oh, such tacos will I give!
- Zim: It's over, Tak! The Earth is mine to desecrate...and I already promised the moon to GIR
- Zim: I put a tracking device on you. Dib: You did? Where is it? [GIR is grabbing the back of his head]
- G.I.R.: Your head smells like a puppy!
- Dib: You're just jealous-- Zim: This has nothing to do with jelly!
- G.I.R.: CHICKEN! I'm gonna eat you!
- G.I.R.: I'm gonna roll around on the floor for a while. KAY?
- [Picking disguises] Zim: For you, I'm thinking a dog. G.I.R.: Can I be a mongoose dog?
- Almighty Tallest Red: So, these humans are tall...but they're dumb? Almighty Tallest Purple: [With his mouth full] How can they be tall and be dumb, huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? can you imagine, huh? Huh? Huh?
- Tak: The great thing about your people Dib is that, most of them don't notice. All they see is another faceless corporate venture! Not a plan for world conquest! Dib: Wait, is there really a difference
- Zim: Fool! You think I would share the cure with you?! I'll find a cure and keep it all to myself, and then watch you transform more and more into what you are deep down in your heart!! Dib: Deep down, I'm baloney? Zim: ...yes.
- Dib: That's just dumb. Zim: Dumb like a moose, Dib. Dumb like a moose!
Top Quotes Part III
- Zim: They locked down their fortress -- with locks!
- Zim: Is that Irken equipment you're using? That's Tak's ship you're sitting in, isn't it? Dib: Yes it is, Zim! It fell from-- Zim: Isn't it? Dib: I said it was! Man, you have a problem with listening, Zim. Zim: ISN'T IT? Zim: Do not question me! I control your arms!