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Introduction to Renaissance Theatre

An awesome, detailed Timeline of Theatre in the Italian Renaissance

During the renaissance theatre developed and grew. Some of the most world renown playwrites are from this time period, including William Shakespeare. New ideas and concepts in theatre developed, such as social commentary plays that were a way of expressing opinions about what was wrong in society, such as Niccolo Machiaveli's satirical comedy Mandragola. Most theatrical performances though had only the purpose of entertaining the public. The audience was able to experience drama, tradgedy, romance, and comedy in live action. Some of the best loved plays of the time that continue to be admired and performed today were those of William Shakespeare's. He wrote plays about things the audience could relate to. In Italy the style of theatre was a little bit different. Some plays were modelled after those of the Greeks and Romans. Some plays from the ancient time were even found and performed. The humanist way of thinking provided for a different style based more on people's thoughts, ideas, and individuality. overall, the Renaissance played an important part in the developement of theatre into what it is today.