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Chapter 2

Note: Before you read this please be aware that 
dialogue is definitely not my strong suit.  Hopefully 
that will improve!

Jemima slowly walked with her friends to the spot 
where The Rum Tum Tugger sat.  She stayed considerably 
behind her friends thinking about the tom that every 
fiber in her body wanted to be with.  She was glad for 
the timely distraction. Her friends’ thoughts had 
diverted to the Tugger where they instantly became 

She quickly caught up with her friends as they neared 
the place where Tugger lounged.  A dazzling smile 
slowly crept across his handsome face as he looked up 
to see the shining faces of his loyal fan club.  He 
sat up to allow them to sit and immediately Etcetera 
found her way snuggled up to his side.  A look of 
total happiness plastered on her face.  Jemima 
gracefully sunk down on Tugger’s other side, making 
sure not to sit too closely to the Maine Coon.  He 
quickly snaked his arm around her tiny waist moving 
them increasingly closer, until she was snuggled up to 
his side much like Etcetera.  A look irritation passed 
across her face, but no one in the group seemed to 

Secretly Jemima wasn’t too fond of Tugger.  He fancied 
himself a god and used his physical attributes to get 
anything he wanted.  Every queen in the junkyard, 
including Jemima found him extremely good looking.  
Tugger knew this fact all to well and revelled in it.  
He walked through the junkyard like he was a king with 
hordes of female followers trailing closely behind 
him.  He would mate with a queen and then forget about 
her the next day, setting his sights on his 
next “victim”.  Jemima knew of one another tom who 
treated queens with such disrespect, and that was her 
father.  Macavity.

Macavity had used your mother in such a way.  Demeter 
was only a kitten when her entire family had been 
killed by Macavity’s henchcats.  Macavity had promptly 
given Demeter a home in his lair, and used her for his 
own pleasure.  He would make her do jobs for him, such 
as spying and stealing.  Then when they were alone he 
would mate with her, against her will.  Demeter had 
somehow escaped from his clutches and found shelter 
and safety within the Jellicle junkyard.  She couldn’t 
leave before she had conceived Macavity’s kittens.  
The labor had been difficult, and three of the kittens 
were stillborn.  Jemima was the only survivor.  Jemima 
had grown to see her mother’s new mate, Munkustrap, as 
her father.  As far as she was concerned Macavity 
wasn’t her father, and she could never see him as such.

Jemima’s thoughts were brought back to the present 
when she heard the loud giggling of her companions.  
Tugger had been telling the girls a very involved tale 
about his battle with five snarling pollicles the day 
before.  It was accompanied by many “ooooooohs” 
and “ahhhhhhs” by his admiring fans.

“Tugger”, Etcetera began, “You are so brave!  You 
fought off five pollicles all by yourself.  YOU should 
be the next leader of the tribe!”  Tugger smiled 
appreciatively at her statement.  “Protecting the 
tribe is Munkustrap’s duty.  Mine is keeping the 
queens happy” Tugger simply stated.  This statement 
caused a chorus of giggles from every female in 
hearing distance.  Jemima looked up from the group 
around her to see if anyone new had arrived in the 
junkyard, who might be better company.  That is when 
she saw him.  The tom she was so afraid to reveal her 
feelings about.  They came from such different worlds, 
but had one thing in common.  Macavity.

The tom (who you can probably guess by now) was 
Mungojerrie.  He and his younger sister, Rumpleteazer, 
were ex-agents for the “Napoleon of Crime: himself.  
He and Rumpleteazer had been introduced to the life of 
crime, while they were still impressionable kits.  
They had been abandoned by their parents and were at 
first glad to find a home with Macavity.  As soon as 
he had them under his power he began to make them do 
jobs for him.  Stealing some pearls here, some 
diamonds there.  They had quickly become a great team 
and got many robberies off without a hitch.  But soon 
they discovered they were tired of being treated 
horribly by cats that cared nothing for them.  They 
wanted a normal life where they could find mates and 
start families.  That is when they decided to abandon 
Macavity.  They had arrived in the Jellicle Junkyard 
incredibly thin, but after a few good meals had 
fattened up quite a bit.  Some members of the tribe 
weren’t sure if they should be allowed into the tribe 
seeing as they had worked for Macavity.  Old 
Deuteronomy had finally decided that they were worthy 
of becoming tribe members and soon they were accepted 
openly into the tribe.  They had been very happy.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were basking in the early 
morning sun, talking quietly to one another about the 
coming day.  That is when Rumpleteazer spotted 
Tugger.  Just like every other queen she found him 
utterly perfect.  She gave herself a quick groom and 
headed over towards him and the small gaggle of queens 
surrounding him.  A look of irritation passed over 
Mungojerrie’s features, but he quickly got up and 
followed Rumpleteazer towards the group of cats.

(I will not even attempt to do Mungo and Rumple’s 

“Hey, Teazer”, said Tugger in his slow sexy drawl, 
while looking her up and down approvingly, “How are 
you beautiful?”  At this Teazer blushed but quickly 
recovered her senses and answered cheekily, “I’m much 
better now that I’ve seen you, Tugger.”  Tugger seemed 
to approve of her answer.  He hastily nudged Jemima 
out of the way to make enough room for Teazer to take 
her place snuggled up to him.  Tugger’s nudging threw 
Jemima off balance, and she rolled ungracefully until 
she was at Mungojerrie’s feet.  Jemima blushed at her 
clumsy display and bowed her head in shame.  
Mungojerrie politely pretended not to notice, and 
quickly said hello to each cat individually.  His 
voice got increasingly quiet until his greeting to 
Jemima came out in little more than a whisper.  They 
each in turn returned the greeting, but Jemima’s as 
well came out as a soft whisper.

Part 1.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Part 8.
Part 9.
Part 10.
Part 11.

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