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Manga Sailor Saturn Oil Painting! "Reborn!"

Beautiful oil painting of the Sailor of Destruction, Sailor Saturn! Painted on 16"x 20" canvas on wood, by professional local artist, with quality oil colors. Beautiful! Request this particular design or dream your own! Requests of Saturn poses available! Purchase one framed in genuine bevelled wood custom frame or unframed.


Unframed: $50.00

Framed: $75.00


****ALL PAINTINGS ARE "SAMPLE" paintings. Yours can be exactly like them or a new Design, entirely up to you.OR YOU CAN COMMISSION me to do a painting of any anime character, listed below or different anime other than Sailor Moon and it will be then listed here. You can have an "original" oil, done just for you! ^_^**** the icon of Susan to return to the Main Menu

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