I looked very earnestly for places to place my music on the internet
which would give me exposure that a new artist has a difficult time
My initial efforts were to get my music streamed and place it on a web site.
It soon became apparent to me that this was not only feasable for me from a
financial point, but it was not something that I felt would benefit me as
an individual artist.
I have found several sites which will host your music. Allow you to sell Cd's
and in some cases even pay you for plays.
Possibilities range from free Artists to Premium Artists. If you have the
ability to spend several hundred dollars on your efforts, then you will be more
than delighted. Also if you do not have the financial ability to invest more
money into your project, then you will be able to post your music for free.
It wil lrequire some time on your part, and usually means uploading your songs
one at a time. However, if it only costs time, you will get out of it what you
put in to it and then some.
Here is the first site that I
reccomend. It has an easy interface and has a very nice look to it. It is not
one of the more popular sites for Artist Earnings, but for those who have little money
to invest, it will at least allow you some options on selling CD's and
If you would like to see what an Artist Site has to offer without signing up,
you may visit my Musicbuilder site at
Jim Windwalker
Here is the next site I have chosen. If you are able to pay for premium services
then this is the place to go.
Here is my MP3.com site..... Though it is not yet completed.
Jim Windwalker at MP3.COM
I wish I had found a site that would have given me some idea as to what I could
do and expect when I first started.
If you have any questions please email me Jim Windwalker