
25th November 2002
Won an award!

17th November 2002
Added the Interactive Story
Added a new member to the RPG

10th November 2002
There's a new member for RPG. Goody goody!
Changed a bit with the chat, but not anything big...
Added a load-o-links (well, about 4)

5th November 2002
Jazzcat had made me a banner! Hence the new Link o me page...
The RPG is in need of members. I'm the only one in it at the moment...please?

2nd November 2002
Finally added the links page!
Want to sing in Cats? Well, visit my new site, Cats With a Difference, and you could...

29th October 2002
Yipeee. Chat is now up and ready for chatting...

28th October 2002
RPG now up. Come and join...

25th October 2002
Put up the Awards section
Guestbook now ready for signing.....

24th October 2002
Put up the Updates page.

23rd October 2002
Put the page on the web. Nothing to do yet...........