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Take A Bow!

If it were not for the various contributions given to me by fans who've visited my site, well, my site probably wouldn't exist today. I want to thank everyone who helped out in any way, shape, or form, and this part of the site is specifically for that purpose. :) Thanks.

Thanks to the staff of CATS: The Feline Phenomenon (link in link section) for the use of their pictures. Pictures make a site look that much better, and with my capabilities, I need all the help I can get!

Thanks to everyone and everyone who sent in emails and pictures. They're really good! However, just because you sent in one, doesn't mean you can't send in more... *g*

Thanks to the people who've emailed me to let me know when my site was acting up. I wouldn't have know if y'all didn't tell me!

*vvvvvvveg* I must. THANK YOU JJ LISTERS!!! *LOL* Yeah, I'm thankin' y'all for your help and support, in all it's... interesting forms.

I don't want to do this, but I'm obligated. Fine, here goes. ThankyouStrawberryforteachingmeHTML. There. I thanked my brother. *g*

I hope that's everyone. I'll feel really bad if I leave someone out, so let me know if I did! Thanks!!
