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My Rose Garden

Welcome to my rose garden, it is still only just begining to bud, and soon will hopefully blosom and grow into a glorius garden tribute to the beautiful Rose. Here you will find stories, quotes, pictures, and poems all dedicated to the rose and all it is and means to people. Enjoy your stay.

All the love that history knows,

is said to be in every rose

but all that could be found in two

is less than what I feel for you.

He who would have beautiful roses in his garden,

must have beautiful roses in his heart.

He must love them well and always.

He must have not only the glowing admiration,

the enthusiasm, and the passion,

but the tenderness, the thoughtfulness,

the reverence and the watchfulness of LOVE

The Lord gave us memories

So we might have Roses in the Wintertime.

Gardens are not made by singing

"Oh, how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade

Roses leave a bit of their fragarance in the hands that bestow them

Everything's coming up Roses!

There should be beds of Roses,

banks of Roses, bowers of Roses,

pilars of Roses, Arches of Roses,

fountains of Roses, baskets or Roses

vistas and alleys of the Rose.

Dean Hole

In the depths of the winter I finaly learned
that within me there lay an invincible summer.Albert Camus